The Definitive Guide to Optimizing AdWords with Google Analytics

Most probably you are familiar with running AdWords campaigns, but do you use all AdWords reports in Analytics to really get the most out of it? This blogpost will help you leverage the AdWords integration to its fullest extent.

The Google AdWords reporting environment is great, but does it really go beyond measuring success and failure?

For marketers, website owners and analysts like you, it’s critically important to analyze your visitors and their behavior in much more depth.

And this is exactly what the AdWords integration with Google Analytics can offer.

AdWords reports

In the rest of this post I will cover a ton of things. Feel free to skip the first few chapters if you are an experienced AdWords analyst and optimizer!

Table of Contents

Nothing more to add, let’s dive right in!

How to Integrate AdWords and Analytics

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How to track PayPal transactions with Google Analytics

How can I track PayPal in Google Analytics?

The best way to track PayPal transactions into Google Analytics is by sending details about the individual user (using their Client ID) to PayPal and then sending confirmed sales back into Google Analytics. This allows us to see transactions, along with their acquisition channels and other behavior inside our reports.

Let’s get started…

PayPal is a great way to accept payments online. It’s fast and easy, but if you’re using Google Analytics you’ll quickly discover that you can’t just copy and paste your tracking code into your PayPal account.

So what can we do?

We’ll you could move to a custom payment solution where you keep people on your website (and don’t send them to PayPal). But this can take time and more importantly, lots of people like the option of paying using their existing PayPal account. It’s familiar and it keeps their payment details safe and secure.

This means we need to find a way to get PayPal to talk to Google Analytics. We need PayPal to tell us when people purchase and the total value of the transaction, once we have these details we then need to tie this to the appropriate session and user inside our reports.

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